Money Hungry Bride

Months ago I agreed to be a maid of honor for a wedding for a good friend of mine. I had just gotten pregnant and let her know before she asked so she knew I had financial commitments. Her fiancé quit his job a month before the wedding because he didn’t like it anymore. Mature I know. Now they don’t have money to pay for anything for the wedding, let alone bills and things for their children. As terrible as I feel we live on one income. Yes my husband makes quite a bit of money but we are saving for an international adoption and also saving for a possible C section I may need, complete placenta previa. Even with insurance it will be $10,000. We try to live debt free so we save before a big expense. She has tried guilting me for months to get extra money for the wedding, and then flat out told me I had to the other day because I was the maid of honor. I’m upset. My wedding was modest because my husband and I couldn’t afford it. We didn’t ask for handouts or demand anyone pay. It’s less about the wedding and more about the marriage, which I remind her every time she complains. It doesn’t help. The wedding is in a few weeks, and I’m honestly not sure if it’s going to happen as she can’t afford many things she needs even for a modest wedding because she blew it all on non essentials like decor and a DJ. With the way she’s been acting I’m considering slowly ending the friendship after the wedding. It should be mentioned I’ve been on bed rest for about a month now and she hasn’t asked once about the baby or me. It shows me she doesn’t care about me for more than my money. Thanks for listening. Any advice is appreciated.