My baby could have been killed.


*long post* I was told to take my 25d old to childrens mercy for projectile vomiting. We went to 3 different ones for 1 ultrasound. We get it done and they say everything looks fine labs are fine but they wanted for us to stay 24hrs for no reason. I told them no and that we were leaving and they said they wanted to do 1 more ultrasound on his head to check for fluids. So I tell them to do it while we were there and if it came back normal we were leaving. We get almost to the ultrasound room and I hear a thump and my husband freaking out. Someone had mopped the floor and didnt put a wet floor sign out. My husband slipped on the wet floor and landed on our son. His head was badly deformed and he was screaming his head off. The nurse imediately grabbed him and ran back to ER. They ran a ton of physical test to check for broken bones. They did the ultrasound on his head and a CT. The entire time they were checking him out they tried telling me his head was probably always misshapen. I had to have the ER nurse that checked us in vouch for us because the doctor wouldnt listen to us. The ultrasound was normal but the CT showed he had fractures running all the way around his skull with bleeding. My husband ended up having a sprained arm and bruised muscles. We ended up staying the night for obvious reasons. They released us the next day saying there was nothing they can do. My LO now has to be held or put in a swing when hes awake because he cries in pain if hes put on his back. When he does get to sleep we have to put his head on a gel pillow so he doesnt wake up randomly screaming. And in six weeks we have to go back to that same freaking hospital to make sure his fracture is healing and not growing. All I want to do is cry im so frustrated about the entire situation.