Opening Up in Small Group?

So my church has small groups every Wednesday and we just started a new "semester" last week. During the intro to the group, my pastor was saying that if we're not honest and pretend to be perfect we will not grow. He said it was a judgement free zone.

During prayer requests my friend asked for prayer for mental health and said she didn't want to go into more detail. He said he'd accept that this time but next time she should prepare to go into more detail.

My church knows I have depression and anxiety but they don't know that I attempted suicide earlier this summer. No one does, I've kept it a secret. I want to be able to tell them; it sucks having to carry this by myself but they don't understand. They don't take depression seriously, they think if you drink enough water and pray enough it will go away.

Also my roommate is in the small group and I don't want her to look at me differently when she finds out

I'm also currently suicidal.