I hate you!

I fucking hate you so much!!! I am on the verge of tears but I’ll be damned if I give you one fucking tear of mine because you don’t deserve it! You fucking piece of shit! You say no you SWORE you would change... feed me all this bullshit on you changing for the better and you wanted this baby so much and it’s all you ever wanted but then call me all these fucking names try to manipulate me into talking to you... calling my phone at 3am to pick you up because “the cops stopped you” I’m not an idiot. I know you’re wasted and two a cop wouldn’t be like okay you irresponsible intoxicated human being go ahead and call someone to pick your ass up... fucking idiot! Idgaf if you tell me your ex went for you, i could give two flying fucks! What bothers me is that you use our baby, YOUR blood as a fucking pawn in your twisted little fucking game. I left your ass because you’re an abusive toxic POS and you will NEVER change! You want to leave your child because I left you and want nothing to do with you if it had nothing to do with the baby. I send you an ultrasound that I just had today and ignore it but go ahead and talk shit. Can’t even give me the stuff that I worked hard for back to me? You use the phone that’s under MY name and not even paid for by you, to insult me ? I really hate your fucking guts and hate that I’m in this position but I’ll be okay. Thanks to my wonderful mother and step father I can be in a safe environment again. I just hope you disappear stupid fuck!