Goodbye period forever?


It’s been a total of 50 days since my last period! 😩 I’ve taken 3 pregnancy test and all negative. I don’t feel pregnant so i doubt that i am. Even though there is no period me and my husband are still TTC. We gave ourselves till the end of December and if we don’t get pregnant then we are done for good. I’ve NEVER not had my period for this long. I’m really worried and i know it’s going to take a lot of testing and back and forth with the doctor if i go to my obgyn to see what’s going on with me. Well i wish i could but no insurance 😩 I don’t qualify for Medicaid so that’s out of the question. and we definitely don’t have the cash paying money to pay for all that blood work needing to be done. Ugh it’s so frustrating, like hell if i do and hell if i don’t. Just needed to vent.