Would you date someone with a bitter babymama?

I met this guy and as soon as I posted him on sc as friendssss his baby’s mother messaged me asking me all these questions, he tells me he’s not with her and to block her but my friends tell me he’s probably hiding something and still messes around with her.. I would like to get to know him but I would not want to be with someone if his babymama is always messaging me

Update: Hi I should probably add what she told me... she sent me a long msg stating that she was just with him the night before I went out with him, that this is not the first time he does this to her and that he’s not a really good guy because he always treated her like shit and always cheated on her... she also attached a couple recent pictures of him in his house..

He tells me he wants nothing to do with her, that he doesn’t love her and she has always been bitter.. yeah this is too much drama but not sure if I should believe him or her, he tells me to give him a chance but I wouldn’t want to be with someone that’s always gonna go back to their ex