TTC & It’s finally happening 💓

Madison • 💜 #July182016

I can not believe after a year of trying to conceive i’m finally pregnant ! I went to my first appt and as of today i am 5wks 💓 God is good 🙌🏼 I am beyond happy ☺️

UPDATE: My boyfriend after a year TTC is not wanting the baby anymore, i’m 5wks pregnant today and honestly i want to keep the baby. I have ovarian cyst and only one ovary left so getting pregnant IS a big deal to me. I’m honestly confused on what to do. Do I abort the baby i’ve been trying so hard to conceive or do i tell the father of my child that i’m sorry but it isn’t going to work. Either way it’s going to be a heart breaking decision and i honestly have never get so broken in my life.

UPDATE #2: Is it bad to feel bad and feel hatred for my boyfriend for changing his mind and putting me in this position ?

FINAL UPDATE: I know i’m probably going to get a lot of back lash for this and i completely understand, but we’ve decided to go through with the pregnancy then openly adopt our child out to a family we have chosen. The family we have chosen we have known for a little over six years and it’s my pastor and his wife. It was a very hard decision and neither of us wanted to abort a child that we was TTC and it’s rough knowing we planned for this and it’s just not working out for us right now. I believe god has a plan for everything and i believe he wants me to carry this child for my pastor and his wife.