(TW)Finally getting justice for my abusive marriage.

So long story short I met my husband when I was 6/7 years old. We didn’t start dating until I was 19 (I’m 22 now) he’s in the military and I sincerely believe the military changed him which is sad. He had become very physically violent with me while pregnant. Id be covered in purple bruises but somehow he’s always convince me he was changing. I guess I was blinded by the idea of love and I had known him for so long I felt like I was trapped. A few months ago I reached out to a family friend telling them that my husband was hurting me and I needed a way out. I was tired of defending my husband’s actions and sincerely needed saving. This family friend responded with, “what did you do to make him that angry?” And that’s exactly why I stayed. I was convinced I was doing something wrong and that I needed to change. People told me not to report him and just try counseling and anger management because it was bad if I were to ruin his reputation at work. It really hurt. Last night was my last straw. We have been broken up going through a divorce for 2 months now. I found out he had an affair in January and I just couldn’t do it anymore. He has been begging for another chance and I keep telling him to leave us alone or I was getting the law involved. He then came to my house and was begging me face to face. He grabbed my arm so hard it left a huge bruise on it. I really thought he was going to kill me. I finally decided I had enough and I deserve some type of justice and peace so I got law enforcement involved. I’m just letting this all out because it hurts so much. I’ve been victim blamed for so long... I don’t know what steps to take now. Any advice would be appreciated and I also appreciate anyone who even read this far. Thank you P.S he has already done anger management