Getting pretty irritated

My child will go over to my sisters and play with her cousin. She 2 1/2 and working on potty training BUT I take over pull ups and wipes. And every time I bring a pack of wipes (even if it’s brand new unopened) they’re gone by the time I pick her up. Today I had a wipe case I bought from Walmart that is like the zip case one (huggies) and I had used about 4 wipes last night so I know it was a full pack. And they’re all gone. I do my best to have only 7-10 wipes so that they’re not all gone by the time I get her like today but sometimes it just doesn’t happen cuz I forget. But wipes are freaking expensive and this happens all the time.

I know it’s probably something really stupid to get pissed over but when you have limited income and can’t buy wipes like are used I’m just getting frustrated over it.

NOTE: I do not stay there I usually leave my daughter over for the day between 12pm-9pm on saturdays. My daughter does better attitude wise when I AM GONE..