My coworker is harassing me..

Okay so I normally don’t post anything on here, but it’s kinda one of those things where I need as many opinions as quick as possible. So I have a coworker, and we will call him Alfredo for the sake of keeping it anonymous. So I worked with Alfredo last night for about 6 hours and he was wrapping his arms around my waist, rubbing my thigh, and his hand started at my knee, so it was trying to go up more and more. I told Alfredo to stop several times and this is all on camera as well. I told my other coworkers (we can call them Tater, Jello, and Juice). So Tater and Jello are also super close friends of mine and of course they jumped at the chance to be like “ohmygod are you okay?” Then I texted Juice saying “I’m panicking. Should I tell our boss?” And she said “I have no idea.” I’m a really passive person too, so I’m not sure how this should work. I don’t want Alfredo to get fired, but should I tell my boss everything?? I know it’s the right thing to do