pressured?? please help!

okay so im a 15 year old girl and one of my best friends, hes 17, asked me to suck his dick last year in november. i said no (i was 14) and we only made out. this past thursday, we started “talking/becoming fwb” and we’ve made out twice. he wants me to give him a blowjob but ive told him many times that i dont want to yet, that im not ready. he says that hes impatient and doesnt want to wait for me; the most he’ll wait is a week. im afraid that ive gotten attached to him already and have caught feelings but i dont want to be pressured into doing something. he’s done a lot more than i have in terms of sexual things so that makes me feel insecure like i’ll do something wrong and he’ll hate me which is the main reason why i don’t want to. any advice??? please help!