IUI- Lucky #6 and 3 Follicles!!!



Sperm count was 54 million post wash with 15% motility rate which has been our highest numbers to date!!! Now let’s make a baby!!!

I just wanted to quickly update that I just completed my first medicated cycle. I have done 5 natural cycles which all failed, my last cycle being the hardest to get through. This process has been very emotional and exhausting physically and mentally for me and honestly I never knew conceiving could be this difficult. No one prepares you for this journey but yourself.

Anyways my wife and I decided to medicate as the next option because

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

is off the table. I took Clomid CD3-7 and went for my bloodwork and US yesterday on CD10.

Backstory is for the last 5 rounds I have only ever ovulated from my right ovary with only 1 follicle. My follicles grow fast and are pretty large and the nurse is always impressed. I kept saying to my wife if I just produced an egg on my left side I think that will be our baby.

Well after sitting down with the doctor yesterday and this morning I am happy to report my body responded AMAZING to the clomid. I have 4 follicles total, 3 mature follicles and best of all they are ALL on my LEFT side!! 27mm, 20mm and 19mm.

Ladies, I feel good vibes from the universe! This will be my month- I go in tomorrow at 6:40am for my

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

as they triggered me this morning! Send all the baby dust, wifey and I just want our family to begin! Picture of our fur baby for now 🤞🏻!