He’s early but here


So I was due 10/10, but Sept 19th came around and my blood pressure was through the roof. They told me I was having him ASAP. They induced me. It wasn’t bad got the medicine for 12 hours my cervix opened a little. They suggested the bulb thing (honestly that hurt more going in.) 6 hours later that fell out. 2 hours later I felt my water break. Still trying to put off the epidural I was at 6cm. Finally the nurse who is a family friend convinced me to get it. I could still feel contractions but no where near what I was feeling. 4 hours later finally 10! I did pushed for 4 1/2 hours. Honestly they put a mirror up for me and that helped me tremendously. So at 10:27pm on Saturday September 22nd my little 5lb 11oz 20 inch long Colton William was born! He’s perfect.