Am I overreacting?

Ever since me and my partner have been together we've had some problems (we now have a 17 month old and it's now affecting her) basically my partner never has my back or corrects people. For example: we went to a party (kid friendly) and as we had our daughter with us I said I would like to leave around 9pm as she gets very cranky at around that time, when it was time to go all his friends are telling him that I should just make my own way home with the baby (It was an hour drive away and I don't drive so I had no way of getting back other than spend alot of money on an uber!) And that I shouldn't ruin his fun just because my baby wants to go to bed. My partner responded to this by saying yeah I wish she could make her own way back but I gotta take her back. They then proceeded to tell him that I'm selfish for not letting him stay and offering to go home alone. My partner never said anything to that. This happens all the time! In many situations, if someone says something not nice about me he will usually agree and it's gotten to the point all his friends think I'm controlling and horrible because I "don't let him out" because when they ask him if he can go out at a certain time and he says sorry I can't (were busy at that time) they will proceed to say I'm controlling and he should just go out and he doesn't even correct them! He just says "i can't" sorry for the rant anyways I'm wondering if I'm overreacting or should he correct them more often?

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