Wasn’t expecting that...UPDATE #2

Today was a bit of a whirlwind, I had a follow up with my high risk specialist after contracting for days in a row. She wants to take my Cerclage out early because she’s worried I may dilate through it. So instead of October 22, we are being moved up to the 16th BUT if I keep having contractions it could be any day before then. I’m so excited but also super nervous and still have things to get in order.

Anyone else with a Cerclage and having early signs of labor?

Also I had a positive fetal fibronectin so Im pretty sure our November baby is gonna be an October baby but it’s seems I’m not the only one. So many of us are going in early. I am not anywhere near ready. Still have baby stuff to do, a car seat to buy, a bag to pack. I’m freaking out just a little.

Update: started having contractions AGAIN. Called my high risk doctor and they’ve moved my removal to the this Thursday the 4th and am currently headed to L&D to be assessed. Keep us in your prayers.

Update 2: the contractions were painful but inconsistent so we were sent home. I so hate going to L&D but the doctor always wants me to go, better safe than sorry. Still getting my removal Thursday. Thank you for your support and prayers. It’s been a looooong week.