First sickness :(


My LO has her first sickness with fever. We have had a hell three days. I hope this passes soon. I thought it was due to her 4 month shots that she got Thursday afternoon but i was talking with one of the other daycare moms whose baby is 2 weeks older than mine and she is sick too with similar symptoms. So now I'm thinking they caught a bug and the shots on top of it are not helping. Her fever at it's highest was 103.4. we went to the er. 😩 Her ears and throat look fine according to the dr but i am still freaking out. Baby girl doesn't do well with Tylenol either.. We have to give it 1 drop at a time or she gags/chokes which eventually makes her throw up. Ugh no one prepares you for how hard it is to watch your little one be miserable. I think i have experienced every emotion there is today. 😭😭😭😭😭