Cycle day 58 😳

Sandy 🎩

Yes you read that correctly. I’m on cycle day 58, my last period was August 14-16. I was supposed to get AF Sep. 16, obviously nothing happened. I did notice some spotting Sep. 11 but only lasted a bit during day and when I wiped. I have been feeling dull cramping and lower back pains since Sep. 19. . I have taken 3 test, 2 at home and 1 hospital, all came back negative. The one at the hospital was this Monday Oct. 8. And they scheduled me to see the doctor until November 7 (I’m not keeping that appointment I’m going to try and go somewhere else because they were so rude there, like read my results to me in the waiting room rude and more). Has anybody ever experienced something like this and if so what happened? At this point I’m ok with not being pregnant, the DH and I can keep trying, I just want my cycle or something to happen, I’m concerned for my well being.