My boyfriend always lies


So i just had my baby two months ago and found out a month ago my grandmother( mother raised me) has stage 4 lung cancer. After having my baby I had Postpartum depression and finding out about my grandmother made it that much worse. Me and my boyfriend began to fight constantly. So two weeks ago I noticed he was on Snapchat more then usual. I confront him that same night I tell him to keep talking to who ever the fuck he’s talking to. He’s quick to say he ain’t talk to anyone I knew that was bs. The next day we were still fighting he told me he was going to visit our daughter later because he was tired and was going to head home after work to sleep. So I decided to have lunch with my cousin. I go out and after lunch I didn’t have a ride home so I asked if he could take me home. He brought me home I go through his phone and find he added a girl he had been trying to get with before me. I comforted him about her and said she “ was a good friend and he had no one to talk to and that his guy friend wouldn’t understand” of course I knew that was all bullshit. I started crying and was getting mad at me for crying we head to his house and get into another argument he leaves and is gone for about two hours i end up braking up with him that night. We end up getting back together after a day or two I come to find out that night he left he went with that girl they kissed and those day we were broken up he told her he loved her and wanted to be with her and that he was only with me because of our daughter and he regretted having her with me. What do I do it’s the 3rd time he’s talked to other girls. Is excuse is that was being mean to him and telling him to go fuck who ever the fuck he was talking to I told him yeah I said that and it wasn’t right but he didn’t Hesitant to go out and do it he didn’t think about his daughter or me.... should I stay and try and make it work or just leave....😔thanks