Not sure how to feel

I missed my period for September. It was supposed to start September 23rd to 27th.

I took a test Friday, September 28th and one Monday October 1st, both were negative.

Did I test too early?

Since then I haven't felt that great, nothing too major, stomach hurting a little and a little nausea for the past two days. Also headaches, and a little dizzy.

It is possible I missed my period due to stress but I have regular periods and have not missed a period since high school, 6-7 years ago.

My next period is supposed to start October 20th.

Should I take another test or see if my period for October comes?

I wouldn't mind waiting but I just started taking antidepressants (only a few days ago did I start) and if there's a possibility of being pregnant, I wouldn't want it to cause any harm.