Shes finally here!


So, i wanted to share my labor and delivery experience. I was due on 09/30/2018 so the week before i tried naturally induction things at home such as sex, nipple stimulation, hot sauce, and all things that are suppose to help move things along, i even got my membranes sweeped. My dd decided she was not coming out by due date. I tried to make things move along because as per my Dr my baby was weighing pretty big already approximately 8lbs. So i went in to the hospital to get induced on my due date 09/30/2018. The Doctor checked my cervix and i was already 3cm when i went in for induction, i was started on cytotec orally at 10:40am, this pill lasts 4 hours in your system, the Dr said if it doesnt work she would give me another cytotec dose but this time insert it in the cervix, and thats what happened at 2:50pm she insterted another cytotec pill in my cervix at approximately 7pm, my contractions started to get stronger, i was breathing through them. When i was checked i was 5cm open, the Dr ordered for my water to be broken. When my water was broken, oh my God! About 30 minutes later the contractions were soooo painful i said to the nurse get me Epidural! She said good call because the only anesthesiologisg is actually leaving soon so its best to get it now. By the time the anesthesioligist came it was about 9:30pm, the epidural was attempted to be inserted down my spine twice and ut did not want to go in. As per the Dr i had alot of tissue, he said fo me i will try one more time and if i cant u will have to do IV meds. When he said this to me i started peaying sooo hard “please God i cannot deal with this pain let the epidural go theough”!! He inserted it the third time and it worked he asked me not to move my back, as he said this i was having the highest contraction ever and on top of thag my water started to come down even more! It was the most hardest thing having to sit still through that. The epidural was amazing i was so numb from legs down and the pain wasnt horrible as before. At 11:50pm i had such an urge to push, like taking a poop. My husband called the Dr and when she checked i was 10 cm dilated already! Woohoo! After one hour of pushing, my baby ripped through on 10/01/2018 at 12:53am weighing in at 9lbs 5 oz and 20.5 inches long. I had to get so many stitches but i couldnt care less.

So during my pregnancy and even through delivery i never had any blood pressure problems, two days after being discharged from hospital i go back to because i had the only upper abdomen pain so horrible, when i go in i was diagnosed with postpartum preeclampsia, was put on magnesiuum and now im on medication. It wasnf wasy being away from baby for a couple of days. But its important to listen to your body, i am working on myself to be in the best health possible especially for my baby. Other than that i am blessed so blessed. This is my first baby and i am so excited for this journey!

Mila Sahira ❤️ my princess