First time working mom


I’ve been doing really well not stressing over much. But the one thing that is guaranteed to ring me to tears is when I think about work.

I work 9-6 Monday-Friday. August, for me, is my busy time and I rarely work less than 15 hours a day. I don’t enjoy my job at all. I’ve looked for another but I’m at the top of the pay bracket in my town. I’m the breadwinner. And I make great money. I know I should focus on the life that I’ll be able to provide for my family but all I can think about is how much I’ll miss.

I know finances will always be an topic, that’s just part of being a parent. I’m a person to value time more than money and I think becoming a mom is just going to enhance that. I don’t see going back to work after maternity going well at all.

Any full-time Mama’s have any advice?