Tips for working on my mental health?

This year has been the hardest year of my life. I lost two close family members to death. I had two other close family members diagnosed with cancer. One was breast cancer. The other was cervical cancer. One of the family members that died left my brother behind. I took him in. He tried to kill me with a knife when I got onto him for something he did wrong, so I had to track our mom down, and she is starting to get her life together, and she's gonna take him. I didn't call the cops because I didn't want to jeopardize his future, and our mom knows how to handle this behavior. I was also molested and abused as a child for years, and I never quite healed from it. I, also, witnessed a murder as a child. The guy is in jail now. I would appreciate some suggestions on how to heal and grow and ways to have better mental health from all these things.