Am I wrong for being upset?


Today we drove 2.5 hours to visit my in laws for their home town colleges homecoming with my 3 month old. We just moved from Ohio to Texas to be closer to my family last week but it was a long 20 hour car ride with a newborn and let me tell you, it wasn’t fun. When they asked us to come down yesterday, I was a little hesitant as we had just made the long journey only a week ago and the thought of putting my baby back in her car seat for a two and a half hour car ride gave me anxiety but I could tell my husband really wanted to go so I said okay. She cried.... what do you know, during the drive down and was over tired because she hates sleeping in her car seat. We get here and immediately go to the football game where it’s loud and freezing cold out. My baby didn’t seem too bothered the cold, I had her bundled up pretty well. But the loud noises wouldn’t allow her a sufficient nap. Finally we end up leaving and baby girl is tired and cranky only to find out that ALL her little cousins are on their way over to meet her. I get that they are excited to meet her but she’s already exhausted at this point from the drive down and the football game and hasn’t slept more than an hour and it’s already 3pm. Her cousins (ranging in age from 3-10) are climbing all over her, grabbing to hold her, and just all around rough with her. At some point in the day, one of them scratched her by her eye and now she has a bright red scrap under her eye (I was fuming at this point). She’s screaming and crying and doesn’t want to be held by anyone but me as she is beyonddddd the point of exhaustion and overstimulation. We try and take her in the spare rooms to get her to nap but the kids are running around screaming outside the room which just wakes her up. By 7:30 she has gotten maybe two hours total of sleep since waking up and she has had it. She is screaming and fussing and my in laws are giving us a look like “wow, that’s a fussy baby”. By 8pm, I had it. I told my husband we need to put her to bed now. Her eyes are so red from crying and puffy from being so tired, I feel like I just tortured my poor baby. My husband proceeded to ask what time the kids (her cousins) would be over the next morning. I could have killed him. I cant imagine doing this again tomorrow and then having to take her in a car for 2.5 hours back home. I honestly want to leave his parents house right now but I know that’s being dramatic. Is it wrong that I don’t want to be around them again tomorrow? I don’t think my little girl can handle another day like today and frankly neither can I. She has never cried so much in a day in her life. I’m so upset.