Meet Klara Ellen

Mama Of Klara👶🏼 • Taken since 06-24-2010👫💍 3 angels 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 🌈 Baby due October 2018
Meet Klara Ellen! Born on thanksgiving (October 8th 2018) 
Weighing 8lb 1oz 20 1/2 inches long
This is my story! 
On October 7th I went into the ER at 12am due to an unexplained fever so I wanted to get checked out just in case. They did a urine sample... made us sit around for 4 1/2 hours only to say I probably just have a virus and go home. I got home by 5:30, crawled in bed about to go to sleep and POP gush!! My water broke! So I called my midwife and told her about my fever and how my water just broke. She was concerned and couldn’t believe the ER just sent me home without even checking for signs of infection... anyways... she had me come in for 9 to be examined. I was already 4cm dilated by that point. I was feeling sick, feverish and TIRED !! I couldn’t believe my water decided to break on the one day I happen to have gotten NO sleep and SICK :( Anyways...the pain was very manageable up to 6-7cm (At 12pm, only 3 hours later) my body wanted that baby OUT lol!!! 
7-10 cm I was in tears grasping onto the railing. Threw up a couple times because the pain and exhaustion was too much for my body. By that point i was regretting my natural birth decision 😂I tried the gas but I didn’t find it helped at ALL. 3 hours later I was at a 10 and ready to push. Now I knew how to push like you are pooping... but I had no idea how to breath when pushing. It took me awhile to figure it out and get that little head past that certain point. Once I was almost crowning my midwife said okay one more push then I’m going to get you to start panting....WELL .. lol that one push was a big one and she just came shooting out!! It made me tear quite a bit but honestly it happened so fast. 
They put my beautiful little girl on my chest and I was in awe 😍 best feeling in the entire world. 
Now for the not so great... my placenta still hadn’t arrived after 20 minutes. They gave me the oxytocin shot but still nothing and I started to hemorrhage. I was so focused on baby I wasn’t paying any attention. They called for a doctor to come. I could hear the nurses talking in the back saying “she’s lost a lot of blood but she’s still stable, placenta still hasn’t been delivered.”So finally an hour after birth the doctor came. I had 2 nurses on each leg and the doctor s hand inside of my uterus. She had to detach it by hand. Now... I am a very shy quiet person...this made me scream. They took my baby off my chest and gave her to my fiancé. Ohhh I cried... 
My legs were shaking and my body was arching. The nurse kept telling me to stay still and I literally screamed I can’t!!! You try giving birth and then having a hand tear through your already torn and vagina scraping at your uterus. Deal with my shaky legs woman!!! Jeesh lol. So after an hours of that the placenta was out and they bleeding had slowed. The midwife stitched me up and my baby was back in my arms. We had to stay 24 hours for observation. We were home by 5 the next day
Even though it was a bit crazy and traumatic I’d do it all again for this little one. I am so in love ♥️♥️