Angry rant post - I apologise in advance!!!

It’s 11pm (where I am). I have been up since crack of dawn with the children (2, 1 and newborn 😊). I adore them - I love being their mum and all that that entails - so please don’t take this post as a moan about them or the care and attention they need x

But my husband has royally wound me up tonight!

He is on annual leave for a month (following 3 weeks paternity leave), so no work commitments, yet I still do all the jobs, cooking, cleaning etc related to the home and our children. He has been on the games console for a few hours, met up with a friend etc today - so nothing taxing. I passed a comment that it’s 11pm and I have only just managed to sit down after settling the toddler after a nightmare, which woke the one year old (chaos!) whilst he sat and watched football and ate his tea (cooked by me) whilst mine went cold...and that throughout recent weeks after my c/s, this pattern has persisted - as in from the day I was discharged from hospital!

His reply?

Well what is it you do when you breastfeed? You sit down and rest - that is classed as “free time” - you aren’t exactly doing much!!!

I have actually got tears running down my face now - typing it seems to have hit a nerve (hormones!)

Rant over, will cuddle baby xx