Would you forgive your S/O if you found out they had lied to you about a few things? Such as like guys they had snuck out with and how many times they’ve drank and who with. If you had a really good relationship with them for almost two years but found out that they lied about things that happened while you knew them but weren’t dating them, would you stay with them?

My boyfriend and I seriously love each other so deeply, but recently I’ve felt a lot of guilt about lies that I told when we first started dating about things that had happened before we were dating. He knows that I’ve done these things (snuck out, drank/smoked, and sent pictures) before, but I lied about how many times and who exactly with. I know that nothing that would happen currently could break us up, but I’m so scared that if I tell him that I had lied that he’ll leave me and even if he doesn’t, that we’ll never be happy again. I honest to god can not afford to lose him. I’ve never lied to him about anything that has happened during our relationship and I know that I am a much much better person now, but I’m afraid that he’ll see me as a totally different person and not love me anymore. I know in my heart that that person is not me anymore, but I don’t know 100% that he’ll be able to see that. I plan on telling him at some point (most likely when I graduate and go to college with him) but I feel like I can’t right now and it’s eating me alive. I can’t sleep or do anything because I just feel so guilty. Would you forgive me if you were in his shoes? What advice do you have for me? I’m so sorry this is so long... I know this is the Adult Relationship page but I wanted some mature advice.