Not doing ok

I'm not doing OK again. It hadn't happened in days, but one little thing sets it off and I feel so overwhelmed with everything and I just kind of shut down and cry. Ever since I gave birth, I couldn't rest at all. I was already driving by the next week. I wasn't sleeping in up to 4 days. I slept 6 hours in 5 days one time. My husband wasn't helping with the baby. I had to sleep in the living room, on blankets on the floor with the baby in his co sleeper because my husband wouldn't put on his sleep apnea machine, and he snores really loud. I'd try to not wake him at night or ask for help with the baby unless I really, really needed it. Then my husband hurt his back when the baby was about a week old. Which is when I started driving. The meds put him to sleep for days which is when I wasn't sleeping at all. He could keep his eyes open for more than 2 minutes. It was bad. I wasn't eating at all. I couldn't breast feed my baby cause I felt dizzy and I felt so bad because I wanted to breast feed him. Then the house work, making food, picking up my oldest from school and taking her to practice and stuff. I didn't even have time to go to the bathroom because I was always with my baby. I felt bad if I left him alone to just go pee. I hadn't showered in days. I looked like shit and felt like it too. Now, a month later, I still feel that overwhelming feeling. I didn't even go to my post partum appointments. I did keep up with my baby's, but not with mine. Some days it's just hard. Everything I have to do piles up on me and I shut down and just cry. I don't like it, but I don't know what I can do to make it go away.