Hemorrhoid from Hell *advice please

Last week I developed a good lo’ external hemorrhoid. I’ve had them in the past before and although they were painful and itchy they weren’t quit this annoying!

For the first 2-3 days of noticing it, it hurt like hell and was extremely uncomfortable then as the days passed the less it would hurt but it started bleeding more and more everyday. It’s gotten to the point that I have to wear a pad otherwise blood gets on my underwear. I’m using tucks and also just got some topical cream from the doctor but I’m not sure if the bleeding is normal? It bleeds even though I’m not pooping (sorry tmi) and Instead of wiping I either pay myself dry, use a baby wipe, or I’ll rinse with soap and water if I feel too dirty. But also as much as I’m keeping it clean I’m noticing a smell. I went to my doctor today and he didn’t seem concerned but I am because like I’ve said I’ve never had it this bad, anyone else experience this or have any advice?