Sister in law being a b***h?? Thoughts?


Okay my S.O. And I live with his mother and our daughter. We pay rent to live here. Now my sister in law comes over to visit on weekends. (She is 19, her BF is 18) now I love to wear tank tops. I do not have small boobs. But I also live in south Louisiana (hot and humid) so tank tops are to be expected. My sister in law however wears jeans and t-shirts all year round. She gets offended when I wear tank tops BC Her BF is around. And no my boobs do not hang out. I am covered and I'm wearing a bra. Is it wrong for me to feel like she's is just being ugly to me about this. She is basically requesting that I dress a specific way in a home that I pay rent to live in and she doesn't even live here at all? I feel like she feels that if she has to be ashamed of her body (self image issues since she hit puberty) then I should be too. Thoughts?