Am i a bad daughter/mom?

I have a very toxic family. They have all grown up in households that normalize mental/physical abuse as well as alcoholism. My parents were and still are very toxic and cause loads of stress, anxiety and utter exhaustion for me and my SO. We have a 1 month old and we recently sat down and talked and realized we have not had one peaceful week without my familys dramas and crazy requests. This was supposed to be their last (5 millionth) chance and nothing has changed. We think its best to just start limiting contact to a bare minimum if at all and focus on reestablishing the healing process i was going through from my childhood. That was before they came back into our lives and started all of it again.. Am i a bad daughter for cutting contact and not wanting my daughter exposed to the craziness i was my whole life? They make me feel like something is wrong with me and that im just "overdramatic" for noticing the manipulation, mind games, control, disrespect and abuse and not just "dealing with it" to avoid their tantrums and because "family is family".. but so many other people see it outside of our family that i know deep down its not me. i just feel like im a bad daughter and possibly mother because i second guess myself all the time when they start emotionally manipulating me to come back around and get their way...