(Probably wrong group) Just needing advice, don’t judge 😭

Just a little bit of background here:

First time mommy. Nov. 3rd will be our first year as a married couple. We had been dating for almost 2 yrs and didn’t live together until we got married. He is 24 and I am 22. We had been TTC since we got married and even before we got married. The company he works for relocated us to a different state and here at this new facility he is a supervisor and is second in charge. I work as a receptionist at a car dealership. Since we had been ttc for so long and had no luck, we decided it was okay for us to go back to school this upcoming January. Him for an associates in Business and me for an associates in Digital Imaging. Plans have changed.

I am currently only 6 wks but I cannot cannot CANNOT stop getting emotional over having to go back to work after having my baby (after the doctor gives me the ok of course.) I told my husband that I just don’t feel strong enough to be apart from our child whom I will be carrying for 9 months.

Not only that, but I also don’t want to leave my child at such a young age because I feel like it is extremely easy for a baby to become attached to someone they spend all day with, someone who is feeding him, carrying for him and holding him when they wake up in the morning.

My husband makes decent money. He already takes care of everything financially. The only thing I work for is my bills since I literally make about 1/4 of what he does every week.

The other day when we were in bed ready to sleep, I randomly told him how I felt and his response was “I don’t think you can just quit” and didn’t say a word after that sentence. (We eventually changed the subject) However, I can tell that he felt kind of stuck and didn’t know what else to say. I understand he already takes care of a lot and I am not the type of person to just leave him to pick up my bills (almost $700 monthly). Especially since he will be paying for his school out of pocket.

I’ve looked up jobs from home but honestly they all seem like scams or most of them are like customer service jobs where you basically have to open availability all 7 days of the week.

What was your experience???