I've been scared to further sue my Ex ..

💛✨ • | Mommy to 2 boys | Makeup Lover 💄 💖

3 years ago I was in an abusive relationship. My son's father was everything you can name that is not good. I was stupid and put up with so much. I was depressed and still never left him. To the point my mom saw me just lose motivation to eat or smile and she cried for me to leave him or at least live with her.... I did a lot for him. So much that I took out a Credit Card to help him build credit so we could get a home and he used up almost 2k on it. I finally left him after my son passed away and when I did leave him he went crazy. There's a whole police report and restraining order I did that night. He slashed my new car tires (just 3) that I just got (2016 BMW)...

Before I could cancel the credit card he used it and his own mother used it to get back at me.

Well I "sued". And I quote that because I have a family friend who is a lawyer but suing for money isn't her department specialty. Point is I asked for her help and guidance and she said the best she could do was write a legal document and have him sign it to agree to pay me off all this debt and it's not enforced but if for some reason he doesn't do it I could use it and take action against him because I'd have it documented that he signed and gave consent to do it. Well I don't remember how I did it but I finally had him sign it (ALL DONE BY MY LAWYER SO IT IS FINE TO DO IT) and well it's been one year since he signed and he hasn't made a payment and well I'm with someone amazing since I left him... recently found out he has 0 Sperm Count ☹️ And well I've been thinking of enforcing it so it can help with Fertility Costs throughout our Journey .... any ideas? Maybe just forget about it ? It was about 4K in Total . I lended him 2k for his own legal help with some issues he had and yea ... I know stupid ....

My current SO tells me to do it and has been telling me to but I was scared of this man and well now that I want to start a family once again with someone so perfect it makes me feel like I can do it to help me and my SO