Tinder classmate

So I matched with this guy on tinder and he messaged me mentioning my profile, so he had paid attention and cared enough to look at that and message me and we chatted for two days about life, nothing serious or flirty found out we’re in the same class and we’ve been sitting next to each other the entire time!!!!!!! Anyway, he stays texting me and then he’ll disappear for a few hours and then text me something like “hey how are you this afternoon :)” and we’ll chat and stuff but things never get real interesting. When he was drunk the other weekend we were texting and he said he likes talking to me and then last weekend we ran into each other at a party, he didn’t seem that drunk to me but I can’t say I was sober but I was still ok for sure, and he asked if I wanted to go back to campus he had a ride and we could hang out. We got back to his place and he showed me around and offered me water a drink food a toothbrush all that and asked what did I wanna do so we watched a movie and we ended up cuddling and he held my hand and started kissing my forehead and I was thinking heyyyy and then we made out some and then we cuddled and he told me I could fall asleep whenever I wanted and he was very respectful and such. Then the next morning he held my hand and cuddled me and we chatted just about life getting to know each other, and then he had a friend drive him to his car and they dropped me off on the way. He texted me quite soon saying he had a fun time and I said me too... so we talk a lot but not about anything super funny or deep or about how cute the other is and he told me we needed to hang out this week but we never did he never says hey why don’t you come over, he lives in an apartment sorta place and I live in a dorm and he knows that so I’m not inviting him over. Today in class I offered to be his partner and he said he was glad and that was like it, then he told me this evening he got flannels so I was like let me see and I told him they looked so great and he said thank you, like that’s it... idk what the deal is, can anyone give me some incite as to what’s going on. This boy texts me everyday, will go out of his way to contact me like texts me good morning and goodnight very often like last night I fell and asleep before he responded and he still said goodnight to me... but never has he soberly done anything flirty except send a lot of smiley faces over text

I just don’t understand boys and hate being confused