
So I’m an anxious mess of a human being and kinda want to tell this girl in my class that I like her. (She’s gay in fact she was the one first really introduced me to the LGBT+ community bc my parents are homophobic).

Sometimes I get the feeling she likes me but then she does something that hints that she doesn’t. The other day she sent me something and it was like ‘I love you’ and I was so happy but ten it said ‘you are my best friend.’ And I was like WTF is this friendzoning me or a hidden confession but yeah. She also does lots of things that should but but then it’s like, ‘yeah, your a great friend.’ And stuff.

As I stated before, I’m an anxious mess, so I’ll never get the courage to actually tell her so how can I tell her in a way that isn’t to obvious but will still get it across.

I was thinking maybe send a text of something but say it in a way that I could blame autocorrect or make it sound platonic if she reacts negatively.

Anyway that’s all. Bye.