The girl who justifies everything

Have y’all ever met a girl or woman who’s boyfriend/husband treats them so terribly and everyone can see it but them? And when you try to bring it up to them they just justify everything?

It’s so fucking frustrating. You can be like “girl, he just called you stupid in front of your parents!!” And she’ll be like “yah but he’s a really good guy!”

For me, the girl is my mom. My dad treats her terribly. She just had surgery last week and he didn’t help her do anything. I had to do everything around the house, which I don’t mind. I don’t have a job so it’s fine. But she actually expected him to help her and it’s hard watching her get disappointed all the time. He doesn’t help around the house at all, so honestly, I wasn’t expecting him to help after her surgery. Anyway, I went grocery shopping for everyone by myself on Friday and here it was raining really really hard and freezing cold. Our driveway is only about two cars long, but my dad parked the car in such a way that I had to park on the street. Again, I wasn’t expecting him to leave me room on the driveway because that’s just how he is. He doesn’t think about other people and he’s not a considerate person. My mom said she told him he should have pulled his car up more since I was bringing in groceries from the pouring cold rain. His response? “I was wearing $300 shoes and I didn’t want to step in the mud.” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ He didn’t even help bring in any groceries and some were heavy.

Another thing is the temper he never learned how to control. It’s scary. When he gets angry at my mom, he will scream and curse for hours and break things in the house. He’s called her the “C word” in front of me a few times. It just breaks my heart because she’s the nicest person, but she’s such a push over. I hate the way he talks to her. Always has an attitude, never respectful. When she does basically everything for him. And he’s belittling. Especially when we’re at my grandparents’ house (her parents). He will tell stories about times she was wrong or did something off to make it sound like she’s stupid.

When I try to bring this up to my mom, she just gets defensive. It reminds me of a teenage girl getting defensive about her douchebag boyfriend. It’s frustrating. She’ll tell me, “he’s still your dad” or “he works hard” but like...what do those things have to do with each other? He’s my dad so I’m not allowed to point out that his behavior is shitty? Or he works hard so I’m not allowed to say I don’t like seeing my mom get yelled at over the tiniest things? I don’t want to be around this toxic relationship anymore.