Bruhsbands 🤨🤨

I have no one else to tell this so it's going to go here so enjoy my rant 😬

I'm 31w+4d pregnant with my first baby, I live with my SO and our friend we will call him 'R'who has a 3 year old of his own. We have 4 pit bulls one is mine, one is my SO and the other two are R's. The only person on the lease is R because he has lived here for 3 years we just moved in back in late July early August after he went through a break up and needed help with Bill's and we needed a place to stay. I dont work anymore because my SO wants me to focus on a healthy pregnancy and our son after he is born. I currently dont have a vehicle because it threw a rod back in early July and we just cant afford to fix it. My SO works in a factory working 7a-7p 3-6days a week, and R works from 7a-? When ever the job is done but has every weekend off. I usually only leave the house when I have doctors appointments or we need to go grocery shopping, so once or twice a month. My family doesn't have anything to do with me for reasons that I rather not explain, so I'm pretty isolated. I do ALL of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and dog care. The only thing I ask R and my SO to do is take the trash out of the trash can and take it out back. My SO does it most of every time I ask him to but sometimes it gets set on the back porch because it's late or raining. R has one dog who is primarily an outside dog and she only comes in at night when it's cold in the winter or if its storming. She sometimes has accidents in the house at night and R likes to throw the poop in the trash instead of flushing it like everyone else does, and he does not care how full the trash is he will put it in there. It makes the entire house stink so when I get up in the mornings that's all I can smell and it makes me sick. If she gets in the trash at night while we are all in bed he will leave it on the floor and go to work leaving it for me to clean up. If she pees on the floor he just takes a towel to clean it up. Instead of putting her back on her lead in the mornings he leaves her in the house until I get up, without taking her potty. He also gets his son every other weekend, and he is still in diapers/pull ups. He will put his poopy diapers in the bathroom trashcan or shove them in the full kitchen trashcan. He will leave dirty cups, plates and silverware on the coffee table. He will leave empty soda cans all over the living room. He will leave lights and TVs on and leave the house. He will leave food out on the counters uncovered knowing we get mice. He wont clean up after his kid after he leaves, he leaves it for me to clean up.

I try to deep clean once or twice a week, vacuuming, mopping, disinfecting, cleaning out the fridge and scrubbing the bathroom. One evening I had put toilet cleaner in the toilet and was letting it sit, I told both of the boys that It was In there and I was going to scrub it in about 5 minutes. Well R decided he needed to pee, instead of asking me to scrub it or scrub it himself he just peed in the toilet and giggled how he turned the water green. He doesn't care if I've just mopped and cleaned the floors he will walk through the house with his work boots on, or let the muddy dogs in the house. He likes to complain loudly about the food I make for me and my SO that he doesn't even eat, He only eats fast food or frozen foods (hot pockets, corn dogs, McDonalds, hardee's, ect) the only things he will eat that I make is tacos, or sloppy Joe's. The kicker is R is 7-8 years older then my SO and I, I'm 20 and my SO is 21.

My SO is working on getting a better paying job so we can move out but that could be another year or so. I feel very over used and under appreciated by sometimes both my SO and R, but mostly R. Everyone tells me to just stop but I cant, because if I dont do it, it will never get done and i cant stand living in filth. I worry that the 2-3 days I'm in the hospital after delivery that R is going to let the house get dirty or leave what I didnt get done, and I don't want my new born coming home to a nasty house. He is very passive so talking to him never does anything good. I dont know what else to do, I'm counting down the seconds until we can move out.

Thanks to anyone who made it to the end you're a trooper. 😋