How often should a baby socialize with other babies?


Im struggling so hard with this. My LO is 9.5 months. We only have one other baby in the family who is 2 months and my son already loves him. We only see each other once or twice a month. Not many of my friends have kids and the ones that do, live far so those visits are not often at all. Mom groups are also far from me and I don't have a car. I take my LO to the park every day and we try to socialize with other kids when there are kids there but their parents are not very receptive which makes it very difficult. Should I be concerned that my LO doesn't really get a chance to interact with other kids? When I go back to work when he is a year, he will be staying with my mom. Once he turns 18 months we plan to put him in daycare twice a week. Is this enough? Any tips on meeting other moms or any tips in general? Thanks!