Mommy Issues

Okay, so.....

Here we go....

My mother and Step-Father live with me. The reason for this, is because I'm a service member and she babysits my LO for free, and I'm expecting again, so they are really helping me out.

Lately, my Step-Father has taken on an extra job, working at a single ladies place, helping her fix up the house that her father used to live in. Mom was fine with this because she could tag along when I and my Husband weren't working.

As of late, my husband got a new job, and we work different shifts, so she has to be home more then over there, but she still goes on the weekends.

Now, this lady....she's been 'accidentally ' rubbing up on my Step-Dad, and even had the audacity to 'accidentally ' rub his 'junk' in front of my mom, then looked at her like, "Oh, did you see that?" And then apologized for doing it.

My step-dad keeps telling us nothing is going on, and that he don't want her..... but he never says anything, and just brushes her advances off, even in front of my mom...he just acts like nothing happened.

Well, when her and mom are alone, this woman talks about my Step-Dad like him and her are married and my mom isn't in the picture.

It sounds like sabotage to me and that this woman is trying to put doubt in my mothers marrige.... what do ya'll think? Cause my mother is on the fence about asking my step-dad about her not going back over there, because this woman keeps whispering stuff in her ear....putting doubt in her mind. They got into a HUGE argument last night, because this woman keeps telling her stuff and doing the small stuff she has been making mom accuse my step-dad of cheating with her..... so she scared they'll fight again if she tells him the truth about why she's been accusing.....