Dumb bitch

Idgaf if your dog is a rescue or what ever the fuck she is, you need to either get her a shorter fucking leash or train her not to bite people and nearly attack dogs. Like there’s no problems with any other dog on this street but yours, your lucky I didn’t call the cops bc next time it happens I am and your not gonna have your dog anymore, she’s already bitten my roommate and some guys who came to do work at your house, and almost bit my fiancé and had people so scared of your dog that they couldn’t even pet sit for you, so if that doesn’t say your dog has a problem than idk what. I shouldn’t have to walk the long way around my house just bc I don’t wanna get bite by your dog, that’s why that little cut through is there but seriously get your dog before next time the cops get involved you dumb fucking bitch. (Long story short there’s this German Shepard that lives two houses down from me and there’s a cut through between her house and my neighbors house that since I’ve lived here and known my fiancé we always used with no problems at all even with our neighbors dog who may bark like crazy but she’s sweet as can be, but when the lady who lives 2 doors down from me got this dog, who’s a rescue or at least that’s her reason for why her dog is the way she is and it bothers me that this dog goes after people has bitten people, like I said and today while I was walking my dog back around from my back yard my dog who’s friendly loves attention has to say hi to every single dog he can beside the fact that he has gotten along with this dog in the past, but any way he went to say hi and sniff her like normal dog stuff well as he was walking over to her tail wagging and all happy he gets to say hi she starts her shit barking and snaps at him at the last second I pulled my dog away thank god she didn’t get him but still, it was so close I thought she had gotten him. It bothers me that how that dog has bitten at least two people, and still has a leash that can go all the way across to my neighbors side yard, so like I’m to the point where I’m close to calling the cops on her and that dog) btw this is the only dog on my block that there is issues with my neighbors dog and my dog play all together all the time well she beats him up but it’s cute since she’s a little dog.