Miscarriage ... threatening... beginning..... scare... updates

I started spotting last night, I’m 7 1/2 weeks pregnant. It’s Saturday so I can’t ring the doctors, what do I do??? 😓😓😓😓

Update- for anyone going through this. I went to CHOC (out of hours doctors) and they said to come in immediately. The Dr did general checks and a pregnancy test. He put me down for a scan (the hospital won’t do them on a weekend) next week. The blood is now dark brown, he said that’s a good sign. I’ll keep updating.

Update 2- so woke up today with more bleeding. It’s red again but only really there when I wipe. No clots yet 😬. It’s now Sunday so still have to wait until tomorrow to even book a scan. The waiting is terrible. I’m just hoping it doesn’t get heavier. Light cramps last night but no pain this morning.

Update 3- so some spotting again this morning. I spoke to the doctor and I’m booked in for a scan tomorrow morning. Nothing to be done until then. Anyone reading, wish me luck.

I don’t know if anyone is following this but I hope it can be of some help to someone in the future.

I update with how the scan went... positive or negative .