Heavy bleeding 7/8 weeks


Has anybody dealt with this in the past or even currently??? My due date is June 19th 2019

I've been bleeding off and on, pretty heavily for about a week. **My doctor is aware** and the baby looks good, good heartbeat, but it's really hard for me not to rush to the ER every time it starts. He says that there was nothing indicating to him why I would be bleeding, but we've established that my body is just weird. (This is my 6th pregnancy, 3rd rainbow pregnancy, so he is definitely right that my body is weird.) I usually fill 1 pad, then it stops for 12-24 hours before starting again.

I'm not here to look for medical advice, I'm just curious if anybody might see this has been through the same thing, and went on to give birth to a healthy baby. It's really hard for me to see all the blood (no clots, and minimal cramping) and not freak out. I seriously just cry all the time because I'm scared I'm going to lose it. I'm also taking progesterone, and baby aspirin- per my dr. Any testimonys and/or prayers are definitely appreciated.

Cross posted in the First Trimester group.