Christmas presents 🤷

Hi ladies. Sorry to talk about the C word already 😂 but I am completely torn.

My daughter will be 3 months old at Christmas and I seriously don't know if we should buy her any gifts.

My other daughter was 9 months old on her first Christmas and we got her an activity table thing. My family is massive and she was spoilt so much on her first Christmas that we ended up with more stuff than we knew what to do with.

Now, the issue I have is not only her age, but because there is only 18 months between my girls we still have everything you could want/need and it is all pretty much brand new!! So I don't want to buy anything for my daughter that we don't need and that will end up sat in a corner not being used.

So would you buy anything for the younger one or would you give it a miss this year?

I hope that makes sense and I was just looking for a bit of advice 😂😂