Is this a break or a break up?


My boyfriend has been going through a lot of stress the last few weeks. Everything from his work to moving into a new place to finding a new school for his son. I spent all last weekend with him and everything was fine between us. It wasn’t until I went back to my house (he lives across town) that he started to be a little distant. Hardly texting and missing my calls but saying he will call me right back but never did. I confronted him about it and he said he has felt very overwhelmed the back few weeks and is now on the verge of losing it and said “I don’t want to lose you but I think we need to take a step back for now while I continue to get my shit square” now after of course having a very emotional conversation (all over text to add) I told him that I support him and that I will be there for him. Now i haven’t seen him in almost a week. How much longer should I wait? HELPPP