Forgive and forget


Hi, I’ve never had the guts to not post anonymously but a saw a girl on her today that helped me confidently post this. I was abused for 3 years by my ex girlfriend. Resulting in physical and emotional trauma. She broke my nose and my heart and today is the day I come clean.

Today I found the courage to write a letter that I should have said along time ago that 15 year old me need to hear. That 16 year old me needed to see.

I did the best I could to be there for you to love you and to respect you. I put myself in horrible situations and broke myself down for you. I did things that I thought I would never do. I became addicted to you and to drugs and to feeling I deserved this. I broke down your walls while you destroyed me. You were there when you wanted and spending nights spamming you begging you to love me while you ran off and slept with other girls. I don’t hate you, how could I? You made me stronger you broke me down to a point that there was no where to go but up. I lost 180 pounds of anxiety and depression the day I left you. You were my bestfriend when I thought best friends were people who got mad if I turned the radio to the wrong number, bestfriends that yelled if you told a story wrong bestfriends that hit you when there life was upside down. I am stronger. I am smarter. I will never trap myself in the small and unforgiving house you built for me. You always said I deserved better but for the first time I finally believe you. I derseve to love myself to feel like a human being not a punching bag that lets you sleep with others. A punching bag that you screamed at and blocked. I am a human. I am me. I will never say sorry for speaking my mind. And I will never be afraid of you again.

If you read this through thank you for letting me have a voice. Forgive and forget but never repeat. I’m 17 years old and I survived domestic abuse.