Is it bad that i want a baby?

Im 19 years old and single. Im currently across the country for 3 months, but back at home i had a FWB for 10 months. I would take pregnancy tests whenever my period was late, which would always come up negative. I never worried whenever taking the tests, doing it at my friends house, she was more stressed than i was.

Well i just moved out of state 2 weeks ago and my period is very late... 19 days. And my cycle is 45 days which is the longest it’s ever been. The last time i had sex, i had sex 3 times during my ovulation week With my FWB before i left to come here. took a pregnancy test 3 says ago and it came up negative.. yet a part of me wanted it to be positive 😩

I probably sound crazy but we would just have the cutest baby, it would be tan with curly hair and be Peruvian, Black, Filipino, and Mexican. People always tell me i would be a great mother and idk i know im

Young as hell but at the same time i wouldn’t be mad if i got pregnant.

Yes i am currently on the pill, however the exact week we had sex was the week i only took my pill about twice that week inconsistently. And i took it inconsistently before that

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