AFC, Blood, SIS, HSG, Sperm Count Testing

Hi All,

New to fertility testing but not to TTC. Hubby and I've been trying 2 years and never gotten pregnant. I was diagnosed with PCOS through symptoms such as irregular periods, bloodwork, and ultrasound Feb. 2017.

I had my AFC transvaginal ultrasound today and the doctor said my ovaries are the posterchildren for PCOS, they were perfect strings of beads. However he said I had over 20 follicles. I heard 8 is average-ish.

He also gave me my hubby's sperm analysis results. The average is supposedly 100 million sperm; DH had 10 million. Now to be fair, I think he had just ejaculated the day before not knowing he had to abstain, and he also smokes which our doctor said can really affect his sperm count.

I have a bunch of bloodwork tomorrow (CD 3 before 10am) for more fertility testing and to get an idea of my ovarian reserve, hormones, etc.

Next week on CD 10 I have the SIS (saline inserted into uterus via catheter) test, and right after that, the HSG (iodine uterine xray) test same day. I've read to take ibuprofen about an hour before these tests to help with discomfort.

Anyone been through these tests/situations and willing to shed some light and/or wisdom?

Thanks in advance ladies, such supportive and knowledgeable gals on here. 😊