Sex is now a chore


Soo, my Husbend and I have manage to turn sex into a chore scheduling times/ literally not even enjoyable anymore & forget about romantic .

We have been trying ttc baby #3 for about, 8months. Baby #1 took a year while baby #2 took less then 3 months.

Anyway, we have been desperately trying, to the point were he's like babe I can't and I'm like come on we have to. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm crazy but he wants this last baby just as bad as I do, so I'm asking all you ladies out there have u been here? Or should I chill... If you have any advice that would be great. Also he works alot so 50%of his time w/me we are spending as a family with are kids. So it's not like we are free to chose when to try. Baby dust to you all my loves!