One of those days.

Today is one of those days where I feel like not moving a finger 🙂

35 weeks pregnant and I am exhausted to a max. I feel heavy and weak and just want to sleep. Let the house fall down, everyone can have cereal for dinner or starve 🤷🏻‍♀️ fuck it. 😂😩😭😭😭

I am uncomfortable, I can’t breathe right, my ankles and feet are three times their size, I haven’t taken a shit in like a week, nothing fits, round ligament pain is from the devil, I feel like a narcoleptic because I’m sleepy and tired for no reason, heat flashes are so much fun, sweating profusely like a pig is amazing, I have the sexiest bags under my eyes from all of the sleepless nights cause insomnia is a bitch, I’m so bloated and can’t stop farting, everything is annoying, I feel like a pregnant zombie.

My house is a mess, there’s a bazillion dishes in the sink, I may be dying a slow death, I have to cook for the humans in my life if not everyone dies 🙄, my bathroom needs to be cleaned, my 5th grader has a project that she needs help completing and a shit ton of homework to complete as well.

I’m just sitting here in the middle of this huge mess like...