Preterm Labor



I’m just curious to hear others stories. I had my first son at 24 weeks. Long story short Being pregnant for the first time I thought I was having Braxton Hicks contractions over a weekend and ended up going to the doctors the upcoming Monday for them to just tell me everything was fine (as they have done plenty of times because I was calling for each and every symptom I experienced). Everything wasn’t fine I was dilating. I spent 4 days in a hospital on strict bed rest (had to lay tilted back and couldn’t get up to pee) going through whatever to keep him in for him to make his debut that Saturday. He was born at 1lb 15oz and spent 102 days in the NICU fighting and growing strong.

My question to anyone who has experience preterm labor, did it happen to you again after the first child? The doctors couldn’t really give me an exact reason why I went into early labor and I’m thinking about having another but not sure if I want to go through another traumatic experience like I did with the first. Also not sure I want to do the weekly shots or cerclage to prevent early pregnancy. I feel like my experience was just a random thing that happened and hope it wouldn’t happen again but who knows.

I appreciate any responses.
