Should I feel guilty?


I met a guy at a party and we started making out. He said he wanted to come home with me, but when we were 10 meters away from my house, he told me that he had a girlfriend back home (he was in town for the weekend to visit friends). The actual words were “you know that I have a girlfriend back in XYZ, right?”

Which I didn’t, because we’d never met before and don’t know each other (to be honest I don’t even remember his name)...

I told him that he should go home, but he insisted that he didn’t want to go back.

We were both very very drunk and if I’m being honest, we were getting quite hot and heavy during the walk.

So we slept together and agreed not to tell anyone about it (so that it doesn’t get circulated around our group of mutual friends). I kept asking if he was sure he wanted to, but he kept insisting that he did.

I gave him coffee the next morning and he was on his way. He didn’t look filled with regret.

It’s not likely that I’ll ever see him again, but I’m just wondering how guilty I should feel? If I were able to contact his girlfriend (which is impossible because I honestly don’t know this guy), would telling her be right?

I’m generally of the idea of HE was the one cheating and I did try give him multiple outs, but what do you all think??